Support the Beechwood Cemetery Foundation on the road to 150 years


As Beechwood looks ahead to 150 years of serving our families, the Ottawa community and Canada, we look forward to celebrating this milestone together. Founded in 1873, the Beechwood Cemetery has served as place to commemorate historical figures, celebrate all cultures, and embrace the natural beauty of nature throughout our grounds.

As Canada’s National Cemetery, we will be celebrating this monumental occasion by hosting twelve major events – one each month of 2023. We invite the community to join us in this once in a lifetime experience!

This is only possible because of the generosity of our donors, like you, which has shaped Beechwood into being a place of national significance, a peaceful eternity, and a place for the living to experience history.

Beechwood was created by Canadians, for Canadians, and remains a welcoming place for our families, visitors, and neighbours.

Support the Beechwood Cemetery Foundation

Your support ensures that these activities remain accessible for all and ensures that this historic property will be maintained in the highest order for centuries to come.

Care and Maintenance:

Beechwood Cemetery Foundation undertakes many different activities, which beautifies the cemetery, including:

  • maintenance of the grounds and gardens,
  • annual tulip bulb planting,
  • Beechwood apiary program (honeybee).

Tribute Tree Program:

Events and activities:

With over forty events a year, Beechwood Cemetery offers a wide range of free events including:

  • historical and horticultural tours,
  • bereavement, memorial, and commemorative activities,
  • workshops and presentations on a variety of topics,
  • outdoor films, theatrical plays, and documentaries,
  • defence and security forces commemorations. 

Community and section development:

Celebrating the diversity of Canada, Beechwood is home to different communities and cultural sections. We raise funds to develop key features and celebrate history anniversaries in:

In Memorial

Celebrate your loved one’s life by making a lasting difference that includes:

The Foundation can provide many of these activities and services thanks to the generosity of our donors and support from the community. 

Support the Beechwood Cemetery Foundation