New Beechwood Way - Winter 2021
WE OFTEN REFER to Beechwood Cemetery as a community of communities. So many different people and groups have connections to our cemetery. This issue is certainly a reflection of that. We have stories from our defense and securities community with the unveiling of the CSIS main monument, a story about a community led initiative where we are building a new international monument to honour over four centuries of history.
In addition, we had a reader who reached out to update us on a story we shared last month about Detective Stoneman. Nothing is better than having someone connect with us to share a story about their family or friends and adding another piece to the history of Beechwood. As we look towards planning for 2021, we are working on developing a new tour program with different themes and more scheduled tours. Each tour will focus on different topics and celebrate an aspect of Beechwood and Ottawa’s history.
We are also working on our public events, in hopes that our community will be able to safely join us and participate. Our community partners are excited to get involved again, to work together and plan thoughtful and interesting events. Keep an eye on our events page on the website or on social media to stay up to date.