Announcing the Passing of a loved one on Social Media
Social media is an important tool in our lives. It allows us to connect, share and reach out to each other in a meaningful way. Often social media is used to share the news of a loved ones passing.
Here are a few tips on how to announce the death of a loved one on social media.
What is a death announcement?
A death announcement informs people of a recent death and usually includes the following information:
- Full name (including maiden name)
- Dates of birth and death
- Location of death
- Details regarding the funeral and/or memorial service
The majority of the time, individuals will share the obituary notice from the funeral home or cemeteries website or another public death notice like the obituary from the newspaper.
Is announcing the passing of a loved on social media proper?
Social media has become a place to share positive news such as purchasing new cars, new additions to the family, new homes and pictures of activities. Sometime, posting something negative can feel improper.
It really depends on your connection to the deceased person, typically close family will share the initial posting. Being sensitive to the people grieving is the best course of action and share the public posts once they become available.
Are there any rules for sharing a death announcement on social media?
It’s always important to consider the feelings of those who will be reading the post. Before you post, maybe think about your connection to this person and if you are the right person to initially share this information. It can be a good idea to mention it to close friends and family members in person or over the phone first.
How do I decided what to say?
Ideally, sharing the obituary is the easiest way to inform other about someone’s passing. It has all the information you would need and the memorial service. It also ensure that all comments are added to the official obituary for the family to see.
Some people prefer to share personal memories and photos of the deceased. This is really depends on your relationship to the deceased and how close you are to the person. The death of a loved one can be very difficult for many people, and most of the time people do learn about it on social media, however it can take time for people to grieve and it’s important to consider this.
The best thing to do is wait for the public announcement and share it directly. It’s best to be sensitive to other and not share overly personal information.
Who should be making the announcement on social media?
Close members of the immediate family will usually make the first announcement on social media and they may make it on the account of their deceased loved ones.
What is the etiquette for funeral attendees posting on social media?
If you are attending a funeral and want to post about it on social media, it’s respectful to check with the bereaved family first. They are going through a difficult time and may prefer you not to discuss the death online. Alternatively, the family may have set up a tribute or donation page for mourners.
How to invite people to a funeral on social media?
Social media can be a great way to inform friends and close acquaintances about a funeral memorial service. But remember, only include information you are happy for a large number of people to see, and be specific about the plans.
Dealing with online accounts after death?
Following the death of loved ones, as well as funeral arrangements, you will need to consider what to do with their social media accounts – if they had any.
Here is our guide to dealing with online accounts after death. With social media being such an important form of communication, people often don’t want to see reminders or notifications from people who are no longer with us. The HOW TO CLOSE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS Info sheet provides you with the information to close the most common forms of social media if you don’t have their usernames and passwords.
The death of a loved one can be very difficult for many people, and most of the time people do learn about it on social media. Always remember it can take time for people to grieve and it’s important to consider this before writing it.
Sharing a nice memory, personal story or photos is always a great way to pay respect to your loved one.