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5 années 6 mois
Soumis par masterfunerald… le mer 01/06/2022 - 09h48

Joachim-Wedig von Schmeling was born in Köslin on 22 July 1933, near the ancestral estates of his family on the Baltic coast of Pomerania. He spent his early childhood in Berlin, where his father practised law, and later in Bad Hersfeld in Hesse.  

While studying theology at Philipp's University in Marburg in 1954, he received a scholarship to attend the University of Saskatchewan and the Lutheran College and Seminary in Saskatoon. He graduated there with a BA (1956) and MDiv (1958). 

Home is where the heart is

Ordained by the Western Canada Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America, he served a variety of parishes in Saskatchewan and Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. While in the Soo, Padre von Schmeling first became chaplain of the 49th Field Regiment, RCA. In 1967 he was called by the Lutheran Church in America as chaplain to the Regular Forces and enrolled in the Royal Canadian Army Chaplain Corps. 

His service in the Canadian Forces took him to bases in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. In 1974, and again in 1988-1989, he served with United Nations Peacekeeping troops in Egypt, Syria and Israel. During his second tour, these troops were awarded the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize. From 1983 to 1986, Padre von Schmeling served as Senior Brigade Chaplain of 4CMBG in Lahr, Germany. 

As he looked back over his postings, "Padre Jo" was particularly fond of his association with the men and women of the Air Defence System, to whom he ministered at isolated Radar Stations, the Air Defence Home in North Bay, the DEW Line and Colorado Springs.

Following his retirement from the Canadian Forces, Pastor von Schmeling served Lutheran parishes in South-Western Ontario until he retired in 1994.  

In 1992, Pastor von Schmeling was appointed to represent Lutheran churches on the Canadian Council of Churches Committee on Chaplain Services in the Forces. In this capacity and as the committee's secretary — along with other church leaders — he became instrumental in the formation of the new chaplaincy through integration of the former Protestant and Roman Catholic chaplain branches into the Canadian Forces Chaplain Branch. He thereby became a founding father of the Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy. 

"For the faith, for the good of mankind"

In 1989 in Toronto, the Herrenmeister HRH Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia invested Pastor von Schmeling in the Order of St John. A year later, he was installed as Chaplain of the Canadian Sub-Commandery of the order. He received the Knight's Cross of Honor in 1994, and in 1998 he was vested a Knight of Justice. In 1999, the (Roman Catholic) Sovereign Military Order of Malta granted him the award of "Commander of Merit ‘Pro Pii Meritis’. 

In addition to his primary functions, Pastor von Schmeling also engaged in a variety of secular and ecclesiastical activities. He served as mayor of Nottaway, Quebec, as a member of the Hornell Heights Ontario School Board, and as president of the Red Cross Society, Langenburg, Saskatchewan branch. He also held numerous leadership positions on synodical committees and boards of his church and the Canadian Bible Society. 

Family ties

An avid traveler, Biebitz—his family nickname—had a love of exploration which began in the 1940’s. On solo trips by bicycle as a young teenager he criss-crossed Germany, and even biked over the alps into Italy. 

In later years, he travelled to reconnect with extended family and to areas of family or historical significance. With his immense capacity for names, dates and facts, Joachim was his generation’s family chronologist. 

On a ship voyage between Europe and North America in 1956, Joachim met Irmgard Luven of Düsseldorf, Germany. By the time the coastline was in sight, they were engaged and in 1958, they married. Irmgard was an immense support and by his side for decades to come. After 42 years of marriage, Irmgard died in 2000. Together, they have five children, nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. 

Joachim-Wedig von Schmeling died in London, Ontario on 22 May 2022. He is mourned by:

Dietlinde Farough, née von Schmeling and Larry Farough with Michael, Adrion and Meagan; and four great grandchildren of Courtenay, B.C.; 

Birgit von Schmeling and Erik Jacobsen with Nicolai and Tatiana of London, Ontario;

Astrid von Schmeling with Max and Cassandra of Stockholm, Sweden; 

Hans-Henning von Schmeling and Josie with Greta of Toronto, Ontario; 

Christopher von Schmeling with London of Kelowna, B.C.. 

And by his brothers, sister and many nieces, nephews and cousins, all of whom are in Germany:

Burckhardt von Schmeling  

Wulf-Dedo von Schmeling  

Elke Marion von Baumbach, née von Schmeling. 

He is predeceased by his sister Angelika von Schmeling.


The funeral will be held on June 23rd, 2022, at the National Military Cemetery, 280 Beechwood Ave. in Ottawa, Ontario, with visitation at 11 am, a service at 1 pm, followed by interment and a reception. Phone: (613) 741 9530.

In lieu of flowers, a donation in his memory to the Lutheran Church of Canada or the Canadian Bible Society is appreciated.

A memorial service in Germany is planned for early Fall. For more information, please contact Astrid von Schmeling,


von schmelling

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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le jeu 02/06/2022 - 10h50


Botho and Susan von Bose

You were a great friend and we shall remember you.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 22/06/2022 - 10h03


John Weaver

Joachim and I first met in Saskatoon in the early to mid-fifties, both of us somewhat bewildered by the prairie landscape and way of life we had found ourselves in. The International Students Club at the U of S was a refuge for those of us adapting to our new surroundings and we were naturally drawn to each other as fellow Europeans..

We have kept in contact ever since --- almost 70 years! We even managed to visit Joachim and Irmgard when we were on sabbatical in Neuchatel, Switzerland, and they were stationed at Lahr in Germany. I am so sad to have lost a good friend of so many years. He was a fine, Christian human being, a true gentleman. My sincere condolences go out to all members of your far-flung family.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 22/06/2022 - 10h04


Justin O'Brien

Please accept the condolences of your Australian O’Brien cousins at your loss. Joachim is fondly remembered by us, especially Barbara’s children.

His ‘Global Village’ book is an invaluable resource for all those of us interested in knowing about our fascinating family history. He was a major figures in our lives, although I personally never met him. We did correspond of course and he was always exacting and courteous. I hope his loss is mourned soulfully and his marvellous legacy treasured.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 22/06/2022 - 10h06


Dale Dirks

The passing of Padre Joe to us is a loss of a genuine veteran who served both God and Man.

The righteous shall inherit the earth and we believe when the book of life is opened his name will be written there in gold. We are sure he loved his fellow man and his passing will be forever etched in our minds as a minister to all who knew him and loved him. His kind shall never rest as he is now called to be a soldier of God.

Cheers and blessings. Dale and Barb Dirks—-the Dirks Family.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 22/06/2022 - 10h07


Felix von Schmeling

Annette and I had the great pleasure that Joachim-Wedig married us during his stay in Lahr with the very same words of II. Thimotheus 1,7 that you have written in his obituary. These words continue to be very important to us. And he baptised our children Franziska and Maximiliane. On the fixed day for the baptism of Tassilo he suddenly had to change the procedures into my father's burial.

During his last stay in Germany we met in Bad Hersfeld and he said this would be his last trip over the ocean. I wonder how many years ago that is now.

On June 23 we are with you as well as Dietlinde, Birgit, Henning and Chris in thoughts and loving memory

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le sam 25/06/2022 - 14h33


Matthew Diegel

Thinking of Jo, a wonderful colleague in Leamington as he was returning to parish ministry, and I had just begun, in Windsor. Many, many interesting stories! Rest in peace, Jo.

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