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Soumis par masterfunerald… le ven 04/06/2021 - 12h07

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Frederick Andrew Webster White, or Ted, on the morning of June 1st 2021, while recuperating in hospital.  He moved on in one of the best possible ways... painlessly in his sleep, and for this, we are very grateful.  Ted was 87 years old.

A small private service will be held at the National Military Cemetery at Beechwood Cemetery on Tuesday, 8 June.

Ted was a competitor. At the age of 63, he won the Gold Medal in single sculls rowing at the Amsterdam Cup in the Master’s Class in the Netherlands.  Then he continued to kayak, bicycle and mega-tricycle up until he was 86! 

Ted was a flyboy. His whole life. He started his career flying jets off aircraft carriers! He flew for the Royal Canadian Navy, and was posted to the Americans and the British navies flying fighter aircraft.  He ended his career at the top of the game as a Captain for Air Canada.  In 1963, he volunteered as a test subject at the Johnsville Centrifuge, in Pennsylvania, which contributed to medical research for the NASA space program.

Ted was a fighter. In 1977, he was the first commercial airline pilot in the world to be fully reinstated after triple bypass heart surgery.  He got himself back in such good shape that he excelled in the Bruce protocol, which was used to measure Olympic athletes.  At the age of 49, 7 years after his first heart operation, he completed the Montreal Marathon and finished in the top 25% and a few years later completed the Gatineau Loppet (Keskinada) 35km cross country ski race.

Ted was a coach. He has an ice hockey goalie trophy named after him in the North Shore Hockey League of Montreal for helping to mould the next Ken Drydens.

Ted was a DIY King, and the builder of a magic oasis-patio on which he was the Barbecue Master on so many memorable nights. 

He met an amazing flygirl named Rita, who grounded him to create a family who loved him, and whom he loved. 

Ted is survived by his wife Rita Olivier White, his three children, Suzanne, Mark and Andrew, his grandchildren, McGregor and Hudson on the West Coast, by Sia and Calvin in Denmark and by his brother Patrick.

We all miss you very much, Ted... Dad... Papa.

Please make any donations to the War Amps of Canada.

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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le sam 05/06/2021 - 14h13


Maureen Smith

Dear Suzanne and Family,
Jim and I send you and your family much love during this difficult time.
Suzanne - I can still see you emerging from your cool swim in Meech Lake, black wetsuit glistening in the sun, with your Dad jumping out of his kayak after accompanying his precious daughter as your private lifeguard. I remember thinking of how beautiful it was that you had this special relationship with your Dad. I hope that these and so many other fond memories will carry you through the days ahead. Big hugs from Jim and me.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 09h47


This is a prfoundly sad day…

This is a prfoundly sad day for all the family.
Reading the obituary brought to mind how close especially in our childrens early years we were. All the hockey games Ted and Roy watched together all the dinners, BBQ's and just plain hanging out we all experienced. Ted was always the life of the party. He has left an empty hole in many lives and foremost in the life of his family. Hold on to those memories and when the raw grief has subsided somewhat it will make great remenincences at family gatherings in the years to come. Roy and I always thought on our many travels, the only pilot we really would feel safe with was Ted. Holds true today.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 09h50


Maxine Warner

Oh Rita! So sorry to hear this news but what an extraordinary life Ted had. I didn't know all of the things he had accomplished. I am so glad that we were able to keep in touch all of these years. I have great memories of you and Ted and Suzanne from the Navy days. My thoughts and wishes are with you and your the family .

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 10h15


J. R. Digger MacDougall

We are saddened by this news of a brother at arms. We extend our sincere condolences to Rita, family friends and fans of Ted and all whose lives were touched by him.
They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.
We will remember them.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 10h40


Genevieve and Bill Cameron

Ted and family are good friends and neighbours, & Ted is missed and well remembered. To absent brothers, wherever they may be.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 12h41


Dawn (Caldwell) Luckham

Deepest Condolences.
You and Ted were so kind to me the summer I worked in Montreal. I also remember playing in our shared yards and the carport between our houses.
Covid restrictions make grieving with family and friends truly difficult.
Hoping you will find comfort in condolences posts and memories

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 14h22


Norma Poirier

I have such fond memories of our Navy days together and after with our families. I’m sure Ted and Charlie are somewhere together pulling stunts on each other like they did as cadets. R.I.P. Ted..

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 16h29


Minna Donatucci

Ted was a great neighbour. He always a smile, a wave and a great story at the ready. The street (and the street parties) won't be the same without him. But we'll continue to raise our glasses and give a toast to the street's favourite bike man. You miss seeing him up and down the road.
My love and deepest condolences. May your mentors help you through the rougher moments as you navigate into a world with a new normal. ❤

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 16h31


Deirdre Neuss and David Redekop

Our condolences to Rita, Suzanne, Marc and Andrew. We will miss Ted's impish smile, his stories and the array of sports equipment that lined the driveway! Quinton Street won't be the same without you, Ted.
David and Dede

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 06/06/2021 - 22h38


Patrick White

You will always be my big brother to whom I always looked up.You still impress , with all your undertakings and accomplishments. You blew it with your piano lessons, but it gave me a chance to to shine, if only in one thing.
I thank you for that !
I will miss your style, full tilt to everything.
( barring that piano!)
You are not gone , until we who have known you, are gone ourselves. Cheers Ted.

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