Membre depuis

5 années 7 mois
Soumis par justine le ven 22/11/2019 - 10h25

Much-loved George Springate passed away on November 20th at age 81, with his cherished wife of 35 years, Judy, at his side. Beloved brother of Ruth Ditchburn and Joy, Arnold and Gordon Springate, fondly remembered uncle, and devoted friend to countless others. The son of immigrants, Walter Springate and Eleanor Woodhouse, George was a fluently bilingual and very proud Canadian. He enjoyed a multi-faceted career spanning 63 years. This included 11 years as a Montreal police officer, while simultaneously earning a BA (Sir George Williams) and two law degrees (McGill). He was later awarded two honourary Doctor of Laws (University College of Cape Breton, Concordia University). An MNA for 3 terms (1970-1981), he was also a kicker for the Montreal Alouettes, playing on the 1970 Grey Cup team. He co-founded the Police Technology Department at John Abbott College (1973), teaching criminal law and evidence for 33 years. He served as a Canadian citizenship judge (1999-2013), the last five years as Canada’s Senior Judge. A gifted communicator, he appeared regularly on radio, TV and in Canadian newspapers, and was best-known for his dynamic speeches outlining minority rights during the Quebec language debates on Bill 22 and Bill 101 and his passionate defense of Canada in the 1980 and 1995 Quebec referendums. George was a superb fundraiser, raising millions for many charitable organizations. He received numerous honours, including Member of the Order of Canada, The Lester B. Pearson Award for exceptional contributions to Canadian unity, the Molson’s Pioneer’s Circle for extraordinary contributions to the handicapped, the Quebec Society for Disabled Children as an outstanding benefactor and governor, the RCMP for his outstanding contributions to Canadian police education, and the City of Montreal, which named a 23-acre park in Pierrefonds after him, The George Springate Sports Centre. George was truly a unique Canadian, who touched so many in a very positive way. He will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him! No funeral or memorial service is planned. Donations to the Cancer or the Palliative Care divisions of the Ottawa Hospital in his memory would be most appreciated.


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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 25/11/2019 - 09h56


Avi Gomberg

Dear Family of the late Honourable Judge Springate,

Please accept my sincerest of sympathies on your loss.

In 2002 I appeared before Judge Springate with a client originally from Ethiopia who had difficulty with the Citizenship exam. Judge Springate was an "angel" and very compassionate and understanding. I learned through the appointment with Judge Springate that my client had a learning difficulty and with that we were able to reach a happy conclusion for my client.

Judge Springate shared his warmth and empathy back in that one meeting of 2002 and to this day I remember it and have told the story to many others over the last 17 years.

The world was blessed with having Judge Springate on our planet!

May your happy memories offer you solace now and forever.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 26/11/2019 - 09h04


Fred Applebee

My sincere and deepest sympathy to Judy and the Springate family. I knew his dad better than I did George, in fact the last time I saw George was at Walter's funeral.
My sister Margaret Parsonage was Walter's best friend, she traveled by bus every day to visit and spent every waking hour, almost, at the hospital. May George rest in
eternal peace. Farewell to a very kind and generous man.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 27/11/2019 - 10h45


Michael Brenchley

To the family of George Springate - we do not know each other, however I read the obituary in this past weekend's Globe and Mail. What an extraordinary and inspiring fellow! I wish I had known him, he clearly had a positive impact on this country and the people he helped. My deepest sympathies, and thank you for sharing his life story.
Michael Brenchley, Guelph Ontario.

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