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5 years 6 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 01:13:PM

(English follows)

Nous avons l'immense chagrin de vous annoncer le décès de Thomas (Tom) Ivory, décédé subitement le 1 février 2021 entouré de ses proches après un court mais féroce combat contre le cancer, à l'âge de 69 ans. 

Il laisse dans le deuil sa bien-aimée, Danielle (née Roulet) ainsi que ses trois enfants, Christine, Catherine et Alex. Tom est aussi le papi adoré de Gabrielle, Taliah et Théo. Outre sa famille immédiate, il laisse aussi dans le deuil ses deux gendres Alexis et David, ses belles-sœurs et beaux-frères: Josette, Jacques, Jeannot et Mado ainsi que ses neveux et nièces: Anthony, Eva, Aurélie et David. Il fut précédé par ses parents Gabrielle (née Chaput) et Thomas Ivory. Il laisse également plusieurs cousins et cousines, ami(e)s et collègues.

Tom a eu une vie pleine et heureuse. Sa plus grande passion a été l'amour de sa vie, Danielle. Une rencontre fortuite entre ce garçon des prairies avec la correspondante française de sa cousine qui visite Winnipeg et c’est le coup de foudre. À la suite d’une relation par correspondance transatlantique, ils se marient en France en 1974. Tom et Danielle furent inséparables pendant plus de 47 ans, élevant ensemble leur famille dans sa ville natale de Winnipeg et ensuite profitant de leur retraite aux Sables d’Olonne en France près de la famille de Danielle. Plus récemment, ils étaient déménagés à Ottawa pour être près de leurs trois enfants et petits-enfants. Leur mariage fut tissé par l’amour et le respect mais aussi par une grande passion. Ensemble, ils ont été le modèle de la fidélité pour leurs enfants et leur ont appris à aimer et se faire aimer. Enfant unique, Tom avait toujours voulu une grande famille et il était un fier et affectueux papa et papi. Ses plus grands accomplissements étaient ses enfants.

Tom était un philosophe, théologien et surtout un éducateur. Il travailla pendant 29 ans à l’école secondaire St Paul’s High School à Winnipeg où il enseignait des cours de religion, de français et fut aussi metteur en scène de nombreuses pièces de théâtre. Tom était dévoué envers ses étudiants et ses collègues.  Érudit mais sans prétention, son amour des livres et sa soif des connaissances ne connaissaient aucune limite et ne se sont jamais estompés, même tandis que la maladie l’affaiblissait. Doué d’un grand sens d’humour et d’un esprit vif. Ses farces et ses histoires drôles ont fait les délices de tous ses amis et famille. Sa compassion, ses valeurs et sa droiture ont guidé chacune de ses décisions. Tom était un homme de foi, loyal, sur qui on pouvait compter et qui a maintenu ses amitiés aux fils des années et à travers les océans.

Tous connaissent l’amour de Tom pour la musique et ses guitares. Jouer la gratte, que ce soit à la maison ou avec ses amis et ses groupes durant toutes ses années, était son passe-temps préféré. Et bien qu’il était à l’aise sur scène, chantant et jouant ses solos de guitare, il était le plus heureux chez lui entouré de sa famille.

Tom s’est battu vaillamment et sans se plaindre contre une maladie dévastatrice qui l’a emporté beaucoup trop tôt. La famille tient a remercié les médecins et les infirmier/ères qui ont pris soins de lui et en particulier tient à souligner le dévouement de Mo de Bayshore Healthcare.

La famille organisera une célébration de sa vie lorsque les restrictions dû au Covid-19 seront levées. Pour ceux qui souhaiteraient faire un don à la mémoire de Tom, vous pouvez faire un don soit au programme de bourses de St Paul`s High School à Winnipeg ou à Cancer Colorectal Canada.


It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Thomas (Tom) Ivory, who left us on 1 February 2021 surrounded by his loved ones after a short and ferocious battle against cancer. He was 69 years old.

He is survived by his beloved wife, Danielle (née Roulet) as well as his three children, Christine, Catherine and Alex. Tom is also the loving grandfather of Gabrielle, Taliah and Théo. In addition to his immediate family, he leaves behind his two sons-in-law Alexis and David, his sisters and brothers in law Josette, Jacques, Jeannot and Mado as well as his nieces and nephews: Anthony, Eva, Aurélie and David. He is predeceased by his parents, Gabrielle (née Chaput) and Thomas Ivory. Tom will be missed by many cousins, friends and colleagues.

Tom lived an incredibly full and happy life. His biggest passion was the love of his life, Danielle. A chance meeting between this Prairie boy and a cousin's French pen pal visiting Winnipeg led to a whirlwind romance and a year-long cross-Atlantic courtship before they wed in France in 1974. Tom and Danielle were inseparable for over 47 years, raising their children together in his hometown of Winnipeg and then enjoying ten years of retirement in Les Sables d'Olonne, France near Danielle's family. Most recently, they had moved to Ottawa to be closer to their children and grandchildren. Their marriage was built on love and respect, but also passion. They taught their children the meaning of commitment and how to love and be loved.  An only child himself, Tom had always wanted to raise a large family and was a proud and loving father and grandfather. His greatest accomplishments were his children.

Tom was a philosopher, theologian and above all an educator, who spent 29 years as a high school teacher at St Paul's High School in Winnipeg. Teaching religion, français and serving often as drama director, he devoted himself to his students and was a mentor to many. Well-read but never pretentious, his love of books and thirst for knowledge knew no bounds and never abated, even when weakened by illness. His quick wit and jokes could light up any room and brought countless laughs to family and friends. His sense of compassion, values and strong principles guided his every decision. Tom was a man of faith, loyal and trustworthy who maintained friendships over the years and across oceans.

Anyone who knew Tom also knew of his love of music and his guitars. Playing guitar, whether at home, or with his friends and bands over the years, was how he best loved to spend his days. And while he never shied away from the stage, either belting out a tune or shredding a guitar solo, he was most comfortable and happiest at home surrounded by his family.

Tom fought valiantly and without complaint against a devastating disease that took him from us much too soon. The family would like to thank the doctors and nurses who were involved in his care and in particular wish to thank Mo from Bayshore Healthcare who was so attentive to his needs.

The family will hold a celebration of life when the current COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. Those wishing to make a donation to Tom`s memory can do so by donating to the bursary program at St Paul's High School in Winnipeg or to Colorectal Cancer Canada.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 04:08:PM


Kelly Smith

My sincere condolences go out to your family. Although I didn't have the privilege of knowing him very well, I have heard stories about him as an impactful educator, talented musician, loving husband and dedicated father. He certainly leaves behind a legacy.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 05:08:PM


Pierre Morier et Jan Jackson

tant de doux souvenirs qui me reviennent de notre cher ami Tom. Comment exprimer en paroles l'effet de sa presence dans ma vie.Nous avons passé tellement de bons moments ensemble.
nos sinceres condoleances a Danielle et la famille...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 06:01:PM


Jeannine Vermette snjm

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille! J’ai bien aimé travailler avec Tom à la paroisse de la Cathédrale! Le récit de sa vie résonne très vrai à mes oreilles! Je prie pour le repos de son âme! Bon courage chère Danielle. Je te garde dans ma prière!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 06:09:PM


Don Shay

I have many great memories from my high school classes with Mr. Ivory. His sense of humor and wit combined with a sense of understanding and fairness to all made him stand out as a teacher and human being. The world is a better place for Tom having been a part of it.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 07:27:PM


Raymond Comeault

Tom a été mon mentor à St Paul’s, mais beaucoup plus un ami, un bien cher ami. À Danielle et toute la famille en deuil, nos plus sincères condoléances.
Raymond, Lynne et la gang (Wpg)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 07:35:PM


Kourtney Dell

I'm so sorry for your loss

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 07:49:PM


David and Sonia Owczar

From our home to yours we send heartfelt condolences and peace as you journey the days ahead. Tom embodied for me what it meant to live life fully, where humour, hard work, integrity and honesty can be found in men. He brought me to a deeper understanding of spirituality and God’s presence in this life. And all of it with him blazing out the tune “Brown Eyed Girl” with colleagues and friends into the wee hours of the night. Tom will be missed but never forgotten.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2021 - 07:36:AM


Jane O’Leary

I worked with Tom at St. Paul’s High School in Winnipeg. I remember him for his smile, his integrity and his very caring nature and the joy he carried with him always. He was a good, good man and he is gone way too soon. My very sincere sympathies.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2021 - 08:01:AM


Gérard et Colette

Nous garderons de Tom le souvenir d' un ami sincère et chaleureux .
Nous pensons bien à toi Danielle ainsi qu' à vos enfants et petits enfants dans la peine .

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2021 - 11:47:AM


Bill and Marie-Anne Wsiaki

Please accept our sincerest condolences at this most difficult time. Sending prayers and hugs.

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