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5 years 6 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Thu, 07/22/2021 - 03:57:PM
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It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden but peaceful passing of Raymond Audet on Monday July 19th.

Raymond is survived by his wife of 59 years of marriage, Ginette, daughter Nadine, son in law Pierre, grand sons David, Maxim, great grandsons Laurent, Pierre, Alexandre along with his sister Béatrice (Gilles St Laurent). He will be sadly missed by his nieces, nephews, and friends.

Raymond will always be fondly remembered as a charismatic individual that loved people and life. He was a great athlete, but tennis was his favorite sport, which he enjoyed playing with his circle of friends. Another of his passions was driving his boat on the Mistassini River (Lac St Jean) at his summer residence.

Born in Dolbeau, Qc, on August 30th, 1938. He attended school in his home town until 1955 before continuing his education in Shawinigan and Quebec City. In 1960 he graduated from Laval University, obtaining a degree in Business Administrations as well as becoming an accredited member of the Professional Association of Chartered Administrators of Québec since 1969.

After Logistics training in the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Centralia, Ont., Flying Officer Audet was posted to Chatham, N.B. as Material Control Officer specializing in aircraft fleet support. Promoted flight lieutenant in 1966, he attended the Canadian Forces Staff School and later took responsibility for the logistics support of the radar station in Lac Saint-Denis, Qc.

In July 1970, he was promoted to the rank of major and appointed Base Supply Officer, CFB Ottawa. The following year he attended the Canadian Forces Staff College, Toronto. Upon graduation, he was transferred to Headquarters, Canadian Forces Europe, where he served as a double-hatted Staff Office in National and International Logistics based in Lahr, Germany.

He was promoted lieutenant-colonel in 1975 and spent the next five years in Mobile Command, Saint-Hubert, Que., first as Command Coordinator for the Bilingualism and Biculturalism Program, second as  Technical Services and Manpower support for the 1976 Montréal Olympics (COJO Support Group) and finally, as Base Technical Services and Base Administrative Officer, CFB Montreal.

Raymond Audet was posted to National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ), Ottawa in 1980 in the capacity of Assistant Director, Supply Procurement  Control and Administration, and became Director of the same directorate in 1982 and selected to attend the National Defence College course commencing in September 1982.

On completion of four years as Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics at Air Command Headquarters in Winnipeg, he was then posted in August 1987 to NDHQ as Director of CANEX. In May of 1988, he was promoted brigadier-general and appointed Director General Supply Systems for the Canadian Forces. In 1991, he was pointed Director of Personnel Services.

Brigadier-général Audet retired in 1993, spending his summer months at his summer residence in Dolbeau-Mistassini, Qc and winters in Ottawa, Ont.

Due to government-imposed restrictions related to COVID 19, there will be no ceremony at the Beechwood Cemetery.



C’est avec beaucoup de peine que nous annonçons le décès de Raymond Audet survenu le lundi 19 juillet. Il est mort soudainement et paisiblement.

Raymond laisse dans le deuil sa femme Ginette, sa compagne des 59 dernières années, sa fille Nadine, son gendre Pierre, ses petits-fils David et Maxim et ses arrières-petits-fils Laurent, Pierre et Alexandre ainsi que sa sœur Béatrice (Gilles St-Laurent).

On se souviendra toujours de Raymond comme quelqu’un de charismatique qui aimait la vie et les autres pour ce qu’ils sont. Aussi reconnu comme un grand sportif dont le sport préféré était le tennis. Sport qu’il pratiquait encore ces dernières années avec ses amis. Ses excursions en bateau sur la rivière Mistassini a sa résidence d’été au lac St-Jean faisaient aussi partie de ses grandes passions.

Raymond Audet est né a Dolbeau (Qc), le 30 août 1938. Il fréquente les écoles de cette ville avant de poursuivre ses études supérieurs et universitaires a Shawinigan et à Québec. Diplômé en administration des affaires de l’Université Laval en 1960, il est aussi membre de l’Association professionnelle des administrateurs agréés du Québec depuis 1969.

A la fin de son entraînement en logistique à la Base des Forces canadiennes (BFC) Centralia (Ont), le lieutenant d’aviation Audet est affecté à Chatham, (N-B), en qualité d’officier du matériel de soutien de la flotte d’aéronefs. Promu au grade de capitaine d’aviation en 1966, il suit les cours de l’École d’état-major des Forces canadiennes à Toronto et, par la suite est nommé responsable du soutien logistique et commandant par intérim de la station radar du Lac Saint-Denis (Qc).

En juillet 1970, il est promu major et nommé officier de l’Approvisionnement de la BFC Ottawa. L’année suivante, il suit les cours du Collège d’état-major des Forces canadiennes, à Toronto. Le cours terminé, il est muté au Quartier général des Forces canadiennes en Europe, au poste d’officier d’état-major de la Logistique nationale et internationale.  

En 1975, il est promu au grade de lieutenant-colonel et passe les cinq années suivantes au sein de la Force mobile, à Saint-Hubert (Qc), ou il œuvre successivement comme coordonnateur du Programme de bilinguisme et biculturalisme du Commandement ; chef des services techniques et de la main-d’œuvre de soutien pour les Jeux olympique de 1976 à Montréal (groupe de soutien du COJO) ; et finalement, chef des Services techniques et chef de l’Administration à la BFC Montreal.

En 1980 il est affecté au QGDN, Ottawa, à titre de directeur adjoint aux Achats, au contrôle et a l’administration avant de devenir directeur du même service en 1982. Il est promu au grade de colonel en août 1982 et il est alors choisi pour suivre le cours du Collège de la Défense nationale, a Kingston (Ont), en septembre de la même année.

Il passe ensuite quatre ans au Quartier générale du Commandement aérien, à Winnipeg, à titre de sous-chef d’état-major de la Logistique. En aout 1987, il est nommé directeur des Economats des Forces canadiennes au QGDN. En mai 1988, il est promu brigadier-général et nommé directeur- général des Systèmes  d’approvisionnement des Forces canadiennes. En 1991, il est nommé directeur général du Service du personnel.

Il pris sa retraite en tant que brigadier-général en 1993. Depuis il passa ses étés a Dolbeau-Mistassini au Quebec et les autres saisons a sa résidence d’Ottawa en Ontario.

P.S. : Due aux directives de la santé publique de l’Ontario en temps de pandémie de  la COVID 19, il n’y aura pas de cérémonie commémorative au cimetière de Beechwood. Plus d’informations devraient être vous être communiquées plus tard.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/24/2021 - 02:10:PM


David Evans, LCol (ret)

Ray was a great boss and a true gentleman. RIP Sir.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/24/2021 - 02:35:PM


Major (Retd) SS Moondi

I got to know Ray when I was base supply officer at CFB Chatham and he was at radar station as supply officer. Then I took over from him at CFB Rockcliffe. Sorry to hear his passing. Rest in peace friend.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/24/2021 - 02:58:PM


Louise Dumoulin Clark

Chère Ginette, Je suis très désolée d'apprendre le décès de Raymond. Je communiquerai avec toi plus longuement plus tard. Mes sincères condoléances à toi, Nadine et la famille.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/24/2021 - 04:17:PM


Colonel (Ret.) Cal Hegge

While I never had the pleasure of serving with Ray I considered him to be a good friend and mentor during our time together in the Logistics Branch. He was personable and a true gentleman. My sincerest condolences to his family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/24/2021 - 09:57:PM


France Ringuette

Toute mes sympathies a la famille et spécialement a ma cousine Ginette ainsi qu’a Nadine. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage en ces moments pénibles .

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/25/2021 - 11:20:AM


Sandy MacGibbon

My sincere condolences Ginette. I feel like I have lost a very good friend. We were close while at National Defence College. I enjoyed his company and learned from Ray Good bye good friend. We will meet again
Sandy MacGibbon C/Supt RCMP rtd

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/25/2021 - 12:27:PM


Ruth and Guy

Oncle Raymond, grand-papa d’adoption de notre regrettée Mireille, s’en est allé la rejoindre.
Tous les deux étaient de véritables amoureux de la vie et partageaient le souci du bien-être des autres ainsi qu’une grande générosité.
Merci, cher oncle Raymond, pour tous les bons moments que nous avons passés ensemble.
Tu resteras dans nos coeurs à tout jamais.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/25/2021 - 02:42:PM


Col ( ret’d) Don W McLeod

A true gentleman! I have lost not only a former boss at Aircom HQ but also a good friend over the years! Sincere condolences to Ginette and family! “ At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember him.”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/25/2021 - 04:39:PM


Colonel (Ret)Edward Fougere,

I trained with Ray in Centralia, On, and we stayed in touch through the years. I worked for him at Air Command Headquarters. I frequently played tennis with him, and he continued to be a good friend. Condolences to Ginette, and her family. Rest In Peace Ray.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/25/2021 - 07:58:PM


Isabelle Andruszka

John and I worked at CFB Rockcliffe and first met Major Ray Audet. John asked to see him prior to his death. Ray came down and spent some time with John and I. I will never ever forget him ..... such a wonderful and gentleman he was. He came to John's funeral ...... To Ginette and family "My sincere condolence" and courage to get through losing someone so dear.

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