Sponsor a Tribute Tree Today !

Planting Life to Honour a Loved One’s Passing

Trees for Life and Beechwood Cemetery, the national cemetery of Canada, have partnered to green up the Ottawa area.

Trees being planted

Trees renew the environment and spirit. The addition of trees at the cemetery will not only help to beautify the area but will help to ease the spirits of those visiting their loved ones during the most difficult of times.

Download the Tribute Tree Program Brochure.

Memorialize Your Loved One with a Tribute Tree

Purchasing a Tribute Tree to honour your loved one is a great way to keep their memory alive while giving back to the planet. Trees capture carbon and slow storm run-off, filter our air and water, shade our streets, provide food and habitat for wildlife and calm busy minds. Trees are important members of our communities by giving and enhancing life.  Planting Tribute Trees today ensures a better future for all of us for generations to come.

Trees Planted on Beechwood Grounds

There is limited space in the cemetery for tree planting but we would still love to offer you the opportunity to sponsor the planting of a Tribute Tree at Beechwood. Because of the limited space, this opportunity will only be available for a limited time. $400 will provide a professionally planted tree and continuous aftercare by Beechwood Cemetery’s Horticultural Team. Beechwood Cemetery Foundation will provide tax receipts for all purchases. Beechwood charitable registration number is 88811 2018 RR0001.

Sponsor a Tribute Tree Today !

Trees Planted Across the Nation

Trees for Life is working to increase leafy canopies across Canada, and bring the benefits of trees home. By purchasing a Tribute Tree for planting outside of Beechwood, you will play an important role in this greening Canadian communities project for generations to come. For $150, you can choose the region in which your Tribute Tree is planted. This value will provide a professionally planted tree, site preparation and any necessary aftercare.

Trees for life logoTrees for Life

Trees for Life is a national charity committed to inspiring, supporting, and mobilizing, community tree-planting efforts across Canada. We eliminate hurdles that get in the way of our partners’ tree-planting goals.

Beechwood Cemetery Foundation

As the National Cemetery of Canada, Beechwood is dedicated to delivering high-quality service to honour our forefathers and set a precedent for future generations. Established in 1873, Beechwood is recognized as one of the most beautiful and historic cemeteries in Canada. It has been designated as a National Historic Site. The Beechwood Cemetery Foundation is a not-for-profit organization and a registered Canadian charity. Beechwood is governed by an active volunteer Board of Directors. It is the only organization of its kind in Ottawa.

For more information treesforlife.ca/beechwood-memorial