Gathering with his family and friends


Thursday, March 31, 2022
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Borden & Fleming rooms at Beechwood

Member for

5 years 6 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Sun, 03/27/2022 - 01:12:PM

Léo Banville had a heart of gold.  He was born on May 20th, 1959, in Ottawa to René Banville (predeceased) and Carmelle Banville (née Chénier) and passed on March 25th, 2022, after a very courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. 

Léo was the loving husband of Andrea Mondragon, whom he married in 1999, and the much-loved father of Tatiana and Anik Banville.  He had a sense of adventure which took him and his family travelling and living across the world.  His passion for building large sandcastles then watching them get washed away with the rising tide will be missed by his large family including his brother, Pierre Banville (Angela Banville) and his sisters, Hélène Joncas (Claude Joncas), Roxane Banville (Scott Burwell) and Renee Banville (Roberto Santamaria).  

Léo had a quick sense of humour and enjoyed playing poker with his friends…. he was all in!  Léo loved technology and, as an exceptional teacher and trainer, he was particularly skilled at explaining complex technical concepts in layman terms for which he was recognized many times throughout his career in high-tech.  He was proud of his classic 1964 T-Bird and was also very happy to take you through all the advantages of his latest toy, his Tesla.  Léo was always one of the first on site when family or friends were in need.  Indeed, his best feature was his heart which constantly beamed love to those around him. 

A celebration of Leo’s life will take place at Beechwood Cemetery (280 Beechwood Ave., Vanier, ON K1L 8A6) on Thursday, March 31st from 5pm to 8pm with a toast to honour him at 7:30pm.  We request that you wear a mask when possible as several of Leo’s family and friends are immunocompromised.

In lieu of flowers, and in recognition of their support, please donate to Hospice Care Ottawa, 114 Cameron Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1S 0X1


Un homme d’une bonté infinie, Léo Banville s’est éteint le 25 mars 2022 d’un cancer du pancréas contre lequel il a mené une lutte acharnée. Né à Ottawa, le 20 mai 1959, fils de feu René Banville et de Carmelle Banville (née Chénier), Léo laisse dans le deuil Andrea Mondragon, son épouse depuis 1999, et ses deux filles Tatiana et Anik.

Ensemble, ils ont parcouru le monde, tantôt pour y vivre, tantôt pour visiter. Le plaisir évident qu’il éprouvait à construire d’énormes châteaux de sable et de les voir emportés par la marée manquera à ses proches: son frère, Pierre Banville (Angela Banville), et ses sœurs, Hélène Joncas (Claude Joncas), Roxane Banville (Scott Burwell) et Renée Banville (Roberto Santamaria).

Prompt à l’humour et friand de poker avec les amis, Léo a toujours joué le tout pour le tout. Passionné de technologie, éducateur et vulgarisateur hautement reconnu, Léo expliquait aisément les concepts et technologies les plus denses. Aussi classique que sa T-Bird 1964, Léo s’amusait pourtant tout autant au volant de sa toute nouvelle Tesla. Toujours premier à accourir quand famille ou amis étaient dans le besoin, Léo se distinguait par sa grande générosité et l’amour dont il enveloppait ses proches.

Un hommage lui sera rendu jeudi, le 31 mars, au cimetière Beechwood (280 Avenue Beechwood, Ottawa, ON K1L 8A6) de 17 h à 20 h. Un toast sera porté à Léo à 19 h 30. Certains membres de la famille et amis de Léo sont immunovulnérables et tous sont priés de porter le masque.

Plutôt que fleurs ou couronnes, et en reconnaissance de l’aide apportée, la famille encourage les dons à la Maison de soins palliatifs d’Ottawa, 114 avenue Cameron, Ottawa ON K1S 0X1

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 11:52:PM


Mandujano Family/ Famille Mandujano.

It is with great sadness that we see the departure of our friend Léo, who we have always felt as a close member of our Canadian family. Léo was an exceptional friend, father, and husband. Great host of parties, great chief, always smiling and sharing happiness and fun stories. Thank you Léo, for all the nice moments we had at your place for so many, many years. The salmon was certainly your specialty! Your trips around the world, your knowledge of technology, your knowledge about rentals, your eagerness to share a good time with us and many others. We will never forget when you visited us in Mexico, had fun at restaurants and hanged out at the “Trajineras” in Xochimilco (the Mexican version of Italian gondolas). We always knew we can count on you when we had trouble with renovations, technology or needed a word of advice about Canada. You were always willing to share knowledge, contacts, and explain your views in very simple terms. You are leaving a great vacuum in our lives and the lives of your family and friends but at the same time you are leaving unforgettable moments and memories that will last forever in our hearts. We love you, Andrea, Tatiana and Anik. Be sure that we will be there for them, showing the same support and encouragement that you provided to us. Rest in peace.

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous avons vu le départ de notre ami Léo, que nous avons toujours senti comme un proche membre de notre famille canadienne. Léo était un ami, un père et un mari exceptionnel. Grand hôte de fêtes, grand chef, toujours souriant et partageant des histoires de bonheur et d'amusement. Merci Léo, pour tous les bons moments que nous avons passés chez toi pendant tant d'années. Le saumon était certainement votre spécialité ! Vos voyages autour du monde, votre connaissance de la technologie, vos connaissances sur les locations, votre envie de partager un bon moment avec nous et bien d'autres. Nous n'oublierons jamais quand vous nous avez rendu visite au Mexique, que vous vous êtes amusé dans des restaurants et que vous avez passé du temps dans les "Trajineras" à Xochimilco (la version mexicaine des gondoles italiennes). Nous avons toujours su que nous pouvions compter sur vous lorsque nous avions des problèmes avec les rénovations, la technologie ou que nous avions besoin d'un conseil sur le Canada. Vous étiez toujours prêt à partager vos connaissances, vos contacts et à expliquer votre point de vue en termes très simples. Vous laissez un grand vide dans nos vies et dans la vie de votre famille et de vos amis mais en même temps vous laissez des moments et des souvenirs inoubliables qui resteront gravés à jamais dans nos cœurs. Nous vous aimons, Andrea, Tatiana et Anik. Soyez sûrs que nous serons là pour eux, en leur témoignant le même soutien et les mêmes encouragements que vous nous avez apportés. Repose en paix.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/30/2022 - 09:44:PM


Bryan Gallimore

Thanks for your friendship and support over the years. Your kind winning ways have rubbed off and made us all better for knowing you.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 03/31/2022 - 03:36:PM


Pierre Bernier

I have learned through my daughter Danielle about the passing of Leo and I know what a great loss this means to his family and friends.Please accept my condolences for his much too early departure.May he now rest in peace.
Pierre Bernier (an old neighbor from the seventies)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 03/31/2022 - 03:56:PM


Moira Forrest

Andrea and family, please accept my deepest condolences on your loss. Leo was such a positive force and a wonderful person - he always lit up a room with his infectious energy and enthusiasm. I have such fond memories of ski outings (Leo sporting denim instead of snowpants) and golf games. He was fun, kind, caring, smart and always upbeat. He was a joy to be around. I'm glad that I knew him.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/01/2022 - 08:40:AM


Beth and Jason

Please accept our deepest condolences for the loss of Leo. We hope you find comfort and peace in the wonderful memories and love you shared for so many years. Thinking of all of you. XO
“I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.”
~Leo Buscaglia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/01/2022 - 02:37:PM


Suzan Casseus

Our family was very saddened by the loss of a dear cousin - Léo Banville. Our sincere condolences to the entire family, and especially to Andrea, Tatiana and Anik.
Suzan Andrews Casseus

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/05/2022 - 01:28:PM


Deanna Griffis (nee Chambers)

Hello Banvilles and extended families. We were so sorry to hear of Leo's passing and send our deepest condolences, wishes for peace and healing.
Our families spent many years growing up together as next door neighbours on LaVerendrye. Memories that will be cherished. Even though we haven't seen each other in so many years, the bond our families had/have is still strong. I had hoped to come to the service, but hopefully we can reunite another time. Take care, Deanna

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