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5 years 6 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Sat, 08/07/2021 - 11:05:AM

Gaetan Bergevin



Un homme aimable, aimant, charmant et aidant nous a quitté le 5 août. Sa loyauté, son amour, sa bonne humeur et sa préoccupation pour ceux qu’il aimait étaient sans égal. Son conjoint, Michel Doiron, sa mère, Nicole Richer, sa sœur Sylvie et son beau-frère Michel Paré, et son frère Marc et sa belle-sœur Francine Chartrand seront pour toujours attristés par son départ. Son père, Claude Bergevin, l’a précédé dans la tombe. Ses nièces, Caroline, Karissa, Shania, Malika, et son neveu David manqueront leur tonton dans le profond de leur cœur. Sa belle-famille, les Doiron en Acadie, se rappelleront de lui avec beaucoup d’amour. Gaetan laisse également nombreux amis et collègues à Montréal, au Nouveau Brunswick, au Mexique, en Thaïlande et à Ottawa.

Gaetan aimait beaucoup voyager.  Il a visité maints pays en Asie, en Europe et en Amérique centrale.  Il ne pouvait résister à l’appel d’une bonne station balnéaire et au bleu de l’océan. Depuis quelques années, il fut adepte de culturisme et s’est créé des amitiés fortes au sein de cette communauté.

L’incinération a eu lieu. Un service privé pour sa famille aura lieu à Montréal. Pour ceux qui le souhaite, des dons à la Société canadienne du cancer seront appréciés.


A charming, loving, lovable and helping man has left us on August 5. His loyalty, love, good humour, and his attention to those he cared for were without bounds.  His spouse, Michel Doiron, his mother, Nicole Richer, his sister Sylvie and brother-in-law Michel Paré, and his brother Marc and sister-in-law Francine Chartrand, will forever be saddened by his departure. He was pre-deceased by his father, Claude Bergevin.  His nieces, Caroline, Karissa, Shania and Malika, as well as his nephew David, will remember him with enormous love in their hearts.  His in-laws, the Doiron’s in Acadie, will miss him dearly.   Gaetan also leaves behind numerous friends in Montreal, New Brunswick, Mexico, Thailand and Ottawa.

Gaetan loved to travel. He visited many countries in Asia, Europe, and central America.  He could not resist the call of a good resort or the blue of the ocean. For the last few years, he practiced bodybuilding and established very strong friendships in this community.

Incineration has taken place and a private service for family will be held in Montreal. For those who wish to do so, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society will be appreciated.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/19/2021 - 12:27:PM


Yumi Kotani

My dearest Gaetan. I am so saddened by your passing. You have been a bright light for so many of us who were lucky enough to know you. You were one of the best managers I've ever had. You taught me, guided me, mentored me, supported me, and helped me find my way when life threw curve balls at me. Your kindness and compassion have had a lasting impact on me. And I'll never forget the moment I saw you and Michel amid the crowd at the Ottawa Pride Parade, and we jumped and hugged in joy! Thank you for all the joy you brought to the world while you were here on earth. I will miss you dearly.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/19/2021 - 07:53:PM


Chantal Paré et Jacques Croteau

Nous partageons votre chagrin en ces moments difficiles et vous présentons nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/23/2021 - 07:42:AM


Sean Corrigan

Michel, I am so very sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences. Sean.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/25/2021 - 05:33:PM


Claire Gravel

Nos retrouvailles du secondaire Pius X ne seront plus les mêmes. Toutes mes condoléances à ton conjoint, ta mère et ta soeur Sylvie ainsi que tous ceux touchés par ton départ. Repose en paix mon ami.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/31/2021 - 07:21:PM


François Gadoury

C'est avec émotion que j'apprends aujourd'hui le décès de Gaëtan. Nous avions été de proches amis au primaire puis au secondaire. Je me rappelle d'un gars joyeux et intrépide aimant la vie. Repose en paix.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/14/2021 - 07:41:PM


Barbara Lawless

Dear Michel,

I'm just learning of this very sad news. I was just thinking of you and Gaetan this past week and then I learned of his passing. It's so hard to believe. The picture shared of Gaetan captures him perfectly. Such a wonderful and optimistic person, always smiling, always with good humour and a chuckle, always genuinely interested in how one is doing. I remember the first day I met Gaetan in Fredericton, so many years ago: A big ''Bonjour!'', along with a big generous smile. One couldn't help but be in a good mood after seeing him. That was Gaetan, always sharing a feeling of joy and warmth. Unfortunately, as our lives moved on, and Gaetan and you moved to new departments and new challenges, we all saw less of each other, as so often happens. The last time I saw Gaetan was a few years ago on Mackenzie Street, here in Ottawa. There he was with a big smile and ready to deliver a kiss on each cheek. Again, true to form. Michel, there really are no words that capture how very special Gaetan was! At his core, Gaetan was one of those rare people who exuded good cheer and goodness no matter the situation. Life will be a little less joyful knowing he is no longer here. My best to you Michel. Take really good care, and my deepest condolences to you and your family.

Sending you a Big Hug,

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/06/2021 - 09:06:AM


Mireille Légère - Caraquet, N.-B.

C’est avec tristesse que j’ai appris le grand départ de Gaëtan. Il fut un gestionnaire merveilleux. Son sourire et sa bonne humeur étaient d'autant plus contagieux. Repose en paix mon cher Gaëtan. Mes plus sincères sympathies à toi Michel et à toute la famille.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/07/2021 - 03:11:AM


Precious Cruz

Vous êtes une personne formidable et merveilleuse. Vous allez nous manquer. Repos au paradis, Gaetan.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 01/10/2022 - 11:56:AM


Paul Weber

Dearest Gaetan, It's hard to imagine a world without you. That smell of the eggs cooking in the nearby microwave would fill my cubicle every morning letting me know were in the office. We'd run into one another and you would kindly let me practice my French with you. We'd laugh about the young ones on the floor and about getting older. You radiated kindness and joy -- except if your back was hurting, then you'd come to me for advice as a fellow sufferer. The office, when we finally get back to it, won't be the same. I take inspiration from you on moving forward with my life.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 10:21:AM


François Bordeleau


C'est avec stupéfaction que j'ai appris tardivement le décès de Gaétan. En fait, je n'en reviens pas encore... La dernière fois que je l'ai vu, c'était au début de l'année 2020, tout juste avant le début de la pandémie. Il était en forme et tout semblait aller pour le mieux...

J'ai rencontré Gaétan à la salle d'entraînement GoodLife sur la rue Queen à Ottawa. Je le voyais au moins 3-4 par semaine et on en profitait pour jaser et échanger quelques rires.

Gaétan a toujours été quelqu'un de bonne humeur, de souriant. Il avait une personnalité charismatique et les gens étaient portés vers lui.

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille, à ses amis et à son conjoint Michel. Une perte énorme...

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