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5 years 6 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Tue, 05/18/2021 - 09:15:AM

With sadness we announce that Joe passed away suddenly but peacefully at the Buckingham, Quebec Hospital on the 12th of May 2021 at the age of 79.  Born in St-Joseph de Coleraine, Eastern Townships, P.Q.  Beloved best friend and husband of Marlene for almost 37 years. Father of Luc Drouin.  Predeceased by parents Josaphat Drouin (1978), Irene Toupin (1994), son Andre Drouin (2020), and sister Jocelyne Drouin (2020).  Also survived by siblings Jacques, Jean, Jean-Marc, Joane and many nieces and nephews as well as step-daughter Petra and step-granddaughter Virginia.

Joined the RCASC July 1958. 1961 at to Fort Chambly, Germany with NATO Forces. Returned to Canada 1965, served in Ottawa. 1966 first UN tour in Cyprus. April 1969, at the Cdn AB Regt in Edmonton, Alberta.  Feb 1974, at the AB HQ & Sigs Sqn.  With the Cdn AB Regt second tour in Cyprus during the 1974 Turkish invasion.   Served in Montreal during the 1976 Olympics.  July 1977 at the Cdn AB Centre.  1979 at Montreal and assigned to the UN on the Golan Heights. 1981, at 408 Tactical Helicopter Squadron in Edmonton, AB. While with the Squadron, he was contributor to the development of the Squadron Museum and was instrumental in the recovery of one of the Squadron’s original Lancaster Bombers KB 994.  Feb 1985 at CFLA, CFB Borden, ON.  Joined St. John Ambulance that year. June 1987 at the OTC, CFSAL in CFB Borden, ON.  Aug 1989, at National Defence HQ BADP/BATOPS project.  June 1990, returned to CFB Borden, CFSAL, as School CWO.  Aug 1992, retired from the Canadian Forces after more than 34 years of service and moved to Gatineau, Quebec. Sept 1992, joined the 28 (Ottawa) Svc Bn as CSM and Nov 1993 he appointed RSM.  Retired from the Reserve Forces April 1995.  Formed his own promotional company “Joe Drouin Enterprises Ltd.”

Jan 1996, appointed D/Prov Commissioner of St. John Ambulance and in June appointed the Aide de Camp to the Governor General his Excellency Romeo Leblanc and later her Excellency Adrienne Clarkson until Nov 2001. For 23 years as a member of St. John he had accumulated well of 25,000 hours of volunteer service to his community.

With his company, dedicated his work to the Cdn AB Regt, the RCASC, CAVUNP, Logistics Branch, the Navy, Army and Air Cadets, Police, Fire, Paramedics, and many others. Nov 2019, after 27 years, he sold his company and retired for the final time. Tremendous thanks to his wife and former employees who made the company a success and helped to make the name of the company known around the world.

Special thanks to the excellent and supportive staff at the Buckingham Hospital in Gatineau, Quebec.  Joe’s wishes were to be cremated.  A Memorial Gathering will be held for Family, Friends and Colleagues at Beechwood, Funeral, Cemetery and Cremation Services, 280 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa, ON, on Thursday, September 28th at 2pm. In lieu of flowers, a donation could be made in Joe’s name to the Perley Rideau Veterans Health Centre at or a charity of your choice.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/18/2021 - 11:23:PM


George Galea

RIP Jumper. Joe it was a pleasure chatting when you used to come down to Moss Park Armoury for functions. We will always remember you. Hold down the DZ till we get there. FWSL.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 07:42:AM


Richard Pelletier

Joe était un homme a precher par exemple sans faire de discours. Repose en paix mon ami. Mes plus sinceres condoléances aux familles éprouvées

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 07:44:AM


Jean D. John.Toupin

Repose en paix Joe.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 07:58:AM


Normand Comeau

Sincères condoléances à Marlene et à toute la famille. Joe était un gentilhomme dans le plus pur sens du terme. Toujours disposé à aider et à trouver une solution. Il aura contribué entre autre au succès du Cercle des officiers CIC de la région Est en fournissant un service de premier ordre avec notre boutique d’accoutrement. J’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à traiter et à négocier avec Joe. Il nous manquera. Repose en paix mon ami!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 08:10:AM


CJ Wallace

We'll miss you, Joe. RIP!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 10:01:AM


Mike Reshitnyk

"Get ready, Para Joe Drouin", barked Archangel Michael. You're going on the mission of your life!

"Stand up".

"Hook up".

"Check static line".

"Check your equipment".

"Sound off for equipment check".

"Stand in the door", bellowed Archangel Michael with the usual jumpmaster's growl.

"Today, is a special jump Para Joe Drouin, you're going bare-assed, Hollywood-style off the ramp. No gear, no weapons, no worrys".


"Feel the breeze in your face, Joe. Now, let go of your risers. Don't be afraid! Archangels Gabriel and Rafael are here to help me lift you up to your final heavenly drop zone."

Have a good one, Joe.

Mad Medic Mike

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 10:28:AM


Jean Robert Gagnon

Merci pour tous les services que tu as rendu à la collectivité Joe, repose en paix. Mes pus sincères condoléances à tous les membres de la famille et amis.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 10:39:AM


Ken Pierce

Joe was a really big part of our RCASC Assn. as with so many others. I never worked directly with Joe but we followed each others careers over the years. We both retired in the Ottawa/Gatineau area and became very good friends, he will be terribly missed by so many. My condolences go out to Marlene and his family. RIP my fiend...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 04:20:PM


Leslie M Reading

Joe, You served the members of the CCG C&A Region well through Drouin Enterprises. Well done. Thank you.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 09:22:PM


Bruce Strauss

On behalf of the Ottawa Service Battalion Association,I wish to extend our deepest condolences on the sudden passing of our dear friend Joe. May he rest in peace.

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