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5 years 7 months
Submitted by natasha on Tue, 05/19/2020 - 01:44:PM

CPO1 Jean-Marie Serge Joncas, MMM, CD (Ret’d) - born May 17, 1952 in Petit-Pabos, Québec - died May 12, 2020 in Ottawa, Ontario after a short battle with leukaemia.

Serge enjoyed a full and satisfying career in the Royal Canadian Navy, from Ordinary Seaman Signalman to Navy Command Chief; following which he worked at the National Defence Dispute Resolution Centre as a mediator and trainer. Later he became a horticulturist, practicing for several years in Ottawa and volunteering enthusiastically at the Maplelawn Garden in Ottawa.

He was predeceased by his parents, Hector Joncas and Laurette Dubé, a brother Yves Joncas and a sister, Carole Joncas. He is survived by his daughter, Christine Joncas (Matt) Halifax, NS; his wife Barbara Verge Ottawa, ON; her daughter Brenda Wagle and grandchildren Narayan and Karisma Wagle Ottawa, ON and her son Trevor Watkinson (Lyann) Halifax,NS; sisters Berthe Joncas (Raoul) Sherbrooke, QC, Monique Joncas (André) Québec, QC, Suzanne Joncas Baie Comeau, QC, Johanne Joncas (Alain) Québec, QC and a brother Marc-André Joncas (Madeleine) Granby, QC. He will also be missed by many nieces and nephews.

Most unfortunately, due to the Covid19 Pandemic, a Celebration of Serge’s Life will be delayed until it is once again safe to gather in large numbers, at which time it will take place at Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa, ON. His cremated remains will be interred in the National Military Cemetery at Beechwood at that time.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to The Canadian Cancer Society.


PM1 Jean-Marie Serge Joncas, MMM, CD (er) - né le 17 mai 1952 à Petit-Pabos, Québec - décédé le 12 mai 2020 à Ottawa, après une brève lutte contre la leucémie.

Serge a eu une carrière remplie et satisfaisante au sein de la Marine royale canadienne, en passant de Matelot de 3e classe signaleur, jusqu’au Premier Maître de la Marine. Il a par la suite travaillé au Centre de résolution des conflits de la Défense nationale comme médiateur et instructeur. Plus tard, il est devenu horticulteur, oeuvrant à Ottawa pendant de nombreuses années en plus de faire du bénévolat avec enthousiasme au Jardin de Maplelawn à Ottawa.

Il a été prédécédé par ses parents Hector Joncas et Laurette Dubé, son frère Yves Joncas et sa sœur Carole Joncas. Il laisse dans le deuil sa fille, Christine Joncas (Matt) d’Halifax, NE; son épouse Barbara Verge d’Ottawa, ON; la fille de son épouse, Brenda Wagle, d’Ottawa, ON, ses petits-enfants Narayan and Karisma Wagle, d’Ottawa, ON, ainsi que le fils de son épouse, Trevor Watkinson (Lyann), d’Halifax, NE. Il laisse également ses sœurs Berthe Joncas (Raoul) de Sherbrooke, QC, Monique Joncas (André) de Québec, QC, Suzanne Joncas de Baie Comeau, QC, Johanne Joncas (Alain) de Québec, QC et son frère Marc-André Joncas (Madeleine) de Granby, QC, ainsi que de nombreux neveux et nièces.

Malheureusement, étant donné la pandémie de la COVID-19, la Célébration de la vie de Serge aura lieu à une date ultérieure au Cimetière Beechwood à Ottawa, lorsqu’il sera possible de se réunir en grand nombre. L’inhumation des cendres aura lieu durant cette cérémonie au Cimetière militaire national de Beechwood.

Au lieu de fleurs des dons peuvent être faits à la Société canadienne du cancer.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 03:47:PM


Richard W. Jones

Deepest condolences to the family. Serge was a good man, great sailor and a pleasure to know and serve with. I will miss his presence in the world.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 04:07:PM


Luc Brisson

Rest in Peace my friend you were a Father to us all on HMCS Montreal , you will be missed at the supper table we will set a place for you.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 04:17:PM


Ron Buck

It was my honour and privilege to have had Serge as my Command Chief Petty Officer. I valued his sage advice, his leadership and our time together.

He has been taken from Barb and from amongst us far too soon.

Serge, may you rest in peace upon always tranquil seas.

My prayers and thoughts are with Barb and family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 04:23:PM


Jim Percival

First off, my deepest condolences to the family. I first met Serge when I got to Ottawa in 2008. I was newly promoted to CPO1 and thought I knew everything. I quickly (within 2 days) realized that the NCR was a whole lot different from the coast. My phone rang and it was Serge. He was the Group Chief and told me it was a courtesy call to see how I was settling in. I knew just from his voice that I could trust this guy and I blubbered out that I didn't have a clue where this or that or who anything was. From then on we had coffee or chatted on the phone a few times a week. He became my mentor but more importantly a friend. Rest easy Serge.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 04:53:PM


Serge Chartré

Serge étais un bon voisin, un jardinier hors pair, un excellent partenaire de voyages de pêche, de camping et un ''Sergio numero dos'' extraordinaire lors de nos nombreux voyages dans les Caraïbes. Il va me manquer et il manquera à plein de gens sur une échelle internationale ! Repose en paix Mon Ami.
Serge was a good neighbour, an expert gardener, an excellent partner for fishing trips, camping trips and an extraordinary "Sergio numero dos" during our numerous trips in the Caribbean. I will miss him and he will be missed by a lot of people on an international scale ! Rest in peace My Friend.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 05:27:PM


Lucie Carle

It was a privilege to have known and worked with Serge. He was a dedicated, reliable, compassionate, understanding and appreciative person. No one was ever indifferent to him, simply because he was so charismatic. Enjoy resting in peace. My condolences to the family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 05:42:PM


Tim Spring (CPO1 Retd)

I think of how many times we sat across a table from each other, whether it be at the annual hug and slug, the annual mess dinner, Yeoman's meetings, Coxswains meetings, CPO1 Working Groups or whatever. I always held you in the highest regard. You were truly one of the very best, it has been an honour and a privilege to have served with you and to count you as my friend. For the ride to end so suddenly it is always a shock. My condolences to your friends and family. The tears running down my face are tears of joy for even though you were taken much too soon you most certainly lived large. You are forever in my thoughts my brother, my friend, my shipmate. Fair winds and following seas.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 05:43:PM


Roy Gillard

RIP Serge (CYS), you were a great leader and a friend to so many of us. My deepest condolences to the family. Serge will be missed but never forgotten.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 05:55:PM


Lucille Boettger

Serge you will be missed by all those who were fortunate enough to have you cross their path in this life. May you rest in peace and know that you made a positive difference in this world during your lifetime that ended too soon... My condolences to family and close friends.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/21/2020 - 06:00:PM


Claude Laurendeau

A great Sailor and outstanding individual, he will be missed by the many who knew him. Sincere condolences to the family.

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